What field(s) are used by the Ottawa Mixed Softball League (OMSL)?

Our main field is called Arnott Park which is just off Walkley between Riverside & Bank.  Arnott Park Location: https://goo.gl/maps/Hlh9L

At the end of the season we also use the Pauline Vanier fields for tournament play. Pauline Vanier Location: https://goo.gl/maps/EtrIF

When are games played?

Games are played weekly one night between Monday & Thursday. Most team Captains request preferred nights before the schedule is finalized at the beginning of the season eg. “Our team would like to mostly play on Tuesdays or Thursdays only.”

What kind of softball is played?

The league is a fun co-ed recreational slow pitch (pitch to the other team).

How long is the season?

Season starts mid-May and goes to the end of August.  One tournament day the Saturday after Labour Day.  Each team plays 14 times during the season plus the playoffs.

When do games start?

Games start at 6:30pm (then 6:15 in August as it starts getting darker) and are 7 innings. Games usually end by 8pm.

What are the league fees?

Individual or team fee amounts can be requested to the League President at omsl.ottawa@gmail.com as exact costs can change year over year.

How many players are typically on a team?

A team can field as many as 5 guys and 5 girls. Batting alternates guy, girl, guy, girl… Most teams have at least 14 players to ensure they cover vacations during the Spring/Summer.

How many teams are in the league?

8 teams

Are there umpires?

We umpire ourselves ie. During the season Captains are asked to send members of their team to umpire other team’s games. A total of 7 games to ump.  This is put on the schedule.  We typically put on an umpire clinic at the beginning of the season for anyone who wants to brush up on the rules.

What is the skill level?

As you will read on the main page, our league is non-competitive but we try to maintain a good skill level.  We strongly emphasize the Spirit of the Game.  We even have a trophy for the team with the highest average spirit rating during the year!

What are the age restrictions?

The league requires all players to be above 18 years of age.

How do I go about joining the league as an individual or a team?

You can send your request to the League President at omsl.ottawa@gmail.com.  The President then sends names to Captains who are looking for help filling empty spots.  For team requests, an email can be sent to the League President.  Requests will be considered only when a team vacancy is needed to be filled.

Are there tryouts?

Before the beginning of the season, contact information for those looking to join the league is shared with the Captains to fill out their roster from the previous year, if necessary.  It is up to the Captains to decide the criteria for joining their team.

Where do I get more details eg. the rules etc.?

League documents are kept here:


Additional Questions?

Please contact omsl.ottawa@gmail.com for additional questions.